Friday, April 25, 2008

Spring Hats

The girls love their new spring hats, but now if only it would get warm enough outside so they could wear them! Go away rain/snow/winter! We want spring!

Friday, April 18, 2008

Happy Friday!

Here's Lindsey looking pretty cool in mommy's sunglasses and hat.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Birthday Girl

We celebrated Lindsey's 5th birthday this past Saturday. The party started out with a treasure hunt outside. Which was really fun except for the 30 mile an hour wind and the icey hill on the side of our house that sent half the kids flying. Then we went back inside for dinner. We grilled hamburgers, hot dogs and chicken breasts with french fries for the kids and cheesey potatoes for the adults.

After dinner opened presents which was Lindsey's favorite part. She was very excited to open all her presents including a new razor scooter, pink basketball, dress, High School Musical (HSM) dance mat, HSM backpack, HSM pajamas, HSM necklace, HSM 2 movie.... can you tell she likes HSM?? I think we have already watched HSM 2 five times since Saturday.

Then we had cake and ice cream. Lindsey requested a chocolate cake with chocolate frosting. The HSM decor on the cake was far from perfect but Lindsey did not seem to mind. Next year though, I think I am going to finally stop pretending I can decorate and just BUY a cake!!!!

The party ended with all 7 kids playing a heated game of DVD Disney Bingo. I believe Abby and Sydney won, but it was a close one!!


Either Sydney is really thirsty in the picture above
or she was just copying what her Daddy, Auntie Teri and Grandma Jeanie
were doing a few weeks ago at Jeanie's 60th birthday party. (see picture below).
(Sorry, borderline inappropriate, but I just couldn't resist!!)