Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Grip and Rip

Another fun Christmas has come and gone with only the pictures and memories left...and the gifts of course! We spent Christmas Eve with the Young side and were lucky enough to have Santa (Bob Theis) come again this year. The kids were so excited. Their eyes just lit up when Santa walked into the room and I don't think any of them said a word. They just sat and stared and smiled. It is amazing how they truly believe Santa exists. Even after Santa drove away in a car!

Here is Sydney absolutely thrilled with her new doll.

We spent Christmas Day with the Nystrom side and as always there was plenty of food and presents to go around.

Friday, December 19, 2008

First Snow Fall

Okay so the first snow fall was awhile ago but here are some pictures of the girls happily shoveling the quarter inch of snow. To most of us snow means shoveling and longer commutes, but you just can't help but like the snow a little when you see how much your kids enjoy it.
The day after Thanksgiving we put up the tree. The girls were very anxious to help and actually did a pretty good job. The tree looked pretty sad though this year but we thought it could make it one more year. Last weekend we noticed it was tipping quite a bit and decided it was time to get rid of it before it fell on someone. Luckily Target had just clearanced out their trees and we were able to get a great price on a pre-lit one with 750 lights. Score!

Here is Sydney posing with her cookie. The girls love to bake cut-out cookies but get impatient waiting for everything to be mixed etc, so this year we cheated and did the pre-cut ones. The girls were happy, it was a ton easier for me...life was good.

We have been very busy at our house preparing for Christmas, buying and wrapping gifts. In the midst of wrapping and preparing gifts for the girl's teachers, I asked Lindsey "Which is better, giving gifts or receiving gifts?" and said said "Giving gifts!" What a great answer....

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


So we all know that kids have LOTS of questions but as they get older the questions seem to get harder and harder. Last night Lindsey hit me with a couple hard ones. First she asked if we celebrate Hanukkah. That one wasn't so hard to answer. The second was rather intuitive of her. She said "Mom, when do numbers stop?" The third question was by far the best and this one I left up to David to answer. David was telling me that little baby Payne was circumsized yesterday. Lindsey overheard and with a puzzled look said "Mom, what does circumsized mean?" Ahh, the fun has just begun.