Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I know, I know Easter was how many weeks ago! Time just gets away from us... Anyways, here they are, pictures from Easter. These first two are from the night we dyed eggs. The girls just love it! Luckily it was nice enough and we were able to do it outside on the deck. The less mess the better I say!

We celebrated Easter with the Youngs the Saturday before Easter. The kids all wore the outfits that Grandma Jeanie bought for them while her and Grandpa were in Florida. Auntie Suzie and Great Grandma stopped by for a little while. The kids had fun playing outside and as usual, the Easter egg hunt was a hit!

We spent Easter Sunday with the Nystroms. We lucked out with a super gorgeous day! The girls almost didn't need those sweaters I spent hours shopping for. Who knew that the week before Easter every white sweater in every store I looked would be gone! Tons of dresses left, but no sweaters. What is up with that? Shouldn't they make an equal number of sweaters and dresses? Luckily I was able to find a small rack with only 4 left and even better, 2 in the sizes I needed. Whew! That will teach me to wait until the last minute!